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Annual Parish Meeting Minutes – May 2021


25TH MAY 2021

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Theresa Weaver.

In attendance: Nick Butcher, Sophia Clist, Peter Grubb, John Fullwood, Sally Fullwood, Edwina Hill, Robin Hill, Jane Lehni, Sean Lehni, Chris Townsend and Bob Weaver.

1.  Apologies: Kate Little (Clerk)

2.  Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 28th July 2020: It was unanimously agreed that these were a correct record of the meeting and Chairman signed them.

3.  Matters Arising: There were none.

4.  Chairman’s report: Noted.  Available on the village website.

It was resolved to accept the report – proposed by Cllr Susan Norrish and seconded by Cllr Jon Pike.

5.  Statement of accounts for the year 2020/21 and Precept for 2021/22:  It was resolved to accept these – proposed by Cllr Jon Pike and seconded by Cllr Theresa Weaver.

6.  Annual report of DCC Cllr James McInnes: Noted.  Available on the village website.

7.  Annual report of WDBC Cllr Lynn Daniel: Noted. Available on the village website.

8.  Annual report of DNPA Ranger Ian Brooker: Noted. Available on the village website.

9.  Skaigh Wood Trust’s annual report for 2020/21, by the Chairman:

The Trustees have met four times during the last year.

The work outlined by Rob O’Bryen in his report has not been able to be carried out for various reasons, one of which is of course covid.  Many of the trees are becoming old and the question of how the woods will be maintained in the future needs to be looked at with some urgency.

Agreement has been reached with the tenant of Skaigh Warren, Mr Luxton over the rent and other matters. 

The insurance has been renewed with the NFU and Mr Luxton has paid his rent.

The footbridge has been cleaned and inspected and thankfully found to be in sound condition.

Lastly thanks to my fellow Trustees for their interest in the management of the wood, to our clerk Kate Little and our auditor Simon Herbert.

The report was noted.  It was suggested that the Trust’s plans for the removal of the dying  trees be put on the village website.

There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting.