Annual Parish Meeting 2022

Councillors Present:
Michael Ash (Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Simon Hill.
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk), Cllr James McInnes (Devon County Council), Ian Brooker (Dartmoor National Park), Chris Townshend, Edwina Hill, Robin Hill, Emrys Mason, Graham Cruikshank.
1. Apologies for Absence
There were none.
2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 25th May 2021
It was unanimously agreed that these were a correct record of the meeting and the Chairman signed them.
3. Annual Report of the Parish Council
Cllr Ash presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
It was resolved to accept the Chairman’s report – proposed by Cllr Weaver and seconded by Cllr Norrish.
4. Statement of Accounts for the year 2021/22 & Precept for 2022/23
Sally Fullwood, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer presented the accounts.
The total balance in the bank accounts at the end of the financial year was £2,719.14.
This was approximately £300 less than the previous year, as the deposit had been paid on the jubilee engraving of the memorial stone, which had been taken out of general reserves. It is hoped that grants will be received in the new financial year to cover this amount.
The highest expenditure was on the Clerk’s salary, amounting to just over £1,300. Other large amounts included the insurance £180, training for the clerk £156, the jubilee tree plaque £145, an A-Frame noticeboard for the car park £112 and paying South Hams £120 to do the payroll for the council, an expenditure which the clerk has now removed by doing the payroll herself.
The Chairman has already mentioned the precept increase.
It was resolved to accept the accounts – proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Weaver.
5. Annual Report of Devon County Council
Cllr James McInnes presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
Questions were asked about what the Locality fund was used for (a variety of capital projects including a book and a seat), the provision of mental health services (integrated services are being developed), and the growth of second homes (DCC are joining with borough/district councils to provide more social housing and make better use of existing housing).
6. Annual Report of West Devon Borough Council
Sally Fullwood read most of Cllr Lynn Daniel’s report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
7. Annual Report of Dartmoor National Park Ranger
Ian Brooker presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
He introduced Graham Cruikshank, the new volunteer ranger who has taken over from Ian Solomon who was thanked for his service. Cllr Cooper asked about parking problems on the Great Green, Ian Brooker suggested that boulders should be used, as has previously been discussed with the Commoners, as signs and kerbing would not work. He said that the Dartmoor National Park would have no objection to a temporary sign. He suggested the cricket pitch could be used as an overflow car park, with the possibility of payment.
8. Annual Report of Skaigh Wood Trust
The Chairman, Cllr Ash, presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
9. Annual Report of the Village Hall Committee
Robin Hill presented his report, looking back at the hall in the 1980s and comparing it to the present. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
10. Annual Report of Greener Belstone
Theresa Weaver presented her report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
11. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm.