Parish Council Meeting – February 2023

Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 27th February 2023 in the Meeting Room of Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Councillors Present: –
Michael Ash (Chair), Susan Norrish, Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Simon Hill and Jon Pike (also acting as Clerk)
2022/23-157 Disclosures of Interests
• None.
2022/23-158 Apologies for Absence
• Cllr Weaver.
2022/23-159 Public Participation Session
• No members of the public were present.
2022/23-160 Minutes
• Minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2023 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.
2022/23-161 Borough & County Councillor Statements
• Cllr Lynn Daniel’s report was noted:-
o News welcomed of the £13.4m funding agreement for the new Parkway Station
o Earlier correspondence concerning the hosting of a Smart Meter presentation to be handed to Greener Belstone to take forward should they so wish.
2022/23-162 Chairman’s Announcements
• Chair reported that Highways had resurfaced a part section of the road to Priestacott.
2022/23-163 Clerk’s Report
• Noted.
2022/23-164 Asset Inspection
• Pound sign will be updated in due course. This item to be removed from ongoing agendas.
2022/23-165 Planning
• None submitted / decided.
2022/23-166 Coronation meeting
• The conclusion of the poorly attended general meeting hosted by the Parish Council on 31/1/23 was noted in so far as there was little / no support to organise an event. However, should another village organisation be interested in doing so, we would be happy to share information on potential grant support from WDBC.
• Quotes for the engraving of the Jubilee stone to be taken forward together with an option (as a potential separate matter) to consider re-installation of the lamp .
ACTION POINT – Clerk to obtain quotes taking advice from engraver on positioning given the age of the stone
ACTION POINT – Cllr Pike to investigate potential for lamp replacement
2022/23-167 Skaigh Lane Alterations
• Noted that Highways have taken the action they deemed appropriate by installing more verge markers
2022/23-168 Location of Slow Road markings
• News welcomed that the previous “SLOW” road markings are to be reinstated – likely 23/24 WDBC budget
2022/23-169 Hedge cutting in Skaigh Lane
• News welcomed that some hedge trimming has occurred since the gentle reminder letters were issued.
ACTION POINT – Clerk to advice Highways that some hedges remain an obstruction to high vehicles with overhanging thick branches asking them to view themselves and take action as they deem appropriate whilst noting the impending start of the bird nesting season
2022/23-170 No overnight camping sign in car park
• In acknowledgement that the existing sign (provided by DNPA) appears insignificant and ineffective, DNPA to be approached to consider a replacement
ACTION POINT – Clerk to approach DNPA asking them to review and potentially replace with something more effective
2022/23-171 (Potential) Election
• Statutory arrangements to be implemented and noted
• Clerk to hand out nomination papers once received to all existing and prospective Councillors
• Voters ID poster to be publicised on the website
2022/23-172 Finance
• Noted balance of £4,083.49 and that there have been no recent transactions
• Clerk’s salary £686.86 including tax refund authorised
• Village Hall future annual fee pre-authorised at budget amount up to £50 once invoiced
• Cost for car park repairs and request for previous pledges to be paid to cover such cost to be taken forward at April’s meeting once invoices received.
2022/23-173 Standing Orders
• Reviewed and approved
2022/23-174 Items for Next Agenda
• Parking – ongoing and increasing concerns around parking in and around the village centre, especially blocking visibility at the junction by the stocks. Enhanced measures to be considered.
• B.C.C. – review action to ease visibility at gateway.
The meeting closed at 08:35
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 17th April 19:30 at the Village Hall .