Parish Council Meeting – January 2024

Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 15th January 2024 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Councillors Present:
Michael Ash (Chairman), Simon Hill, Jon Pike, Peter Cooper, Theresa Weaver, Andrew Booth
Also Present:
Sally Fullwood (Clerk)
3 Members of the public, including Cllr Lynn Daniel of West Devon Borough Council (WDBC).
2023/24-111 Disclosures of Interests
Cllr Ash disclosed that he is related to one of the co-option candidates, and therefore would not be taking part in the co-option voting, but would remain as Chairman.
2023/24-112 Co-Option of Candidate to fill Casual Vacancy
It was agreed to co-opt Deborah Hosegood as a Councillor on Belstone Parish Council. The Council thanked both candidates and hoped that Jackie Stevens would stand again when an opportunity arose.
The Acceptance of Office was signed.
2023/24-113 Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
2023/24-114 Public Participation Session
There was no public participation.
2023/24-115 Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 20th November 2023 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.
2023/24-116 Borough and County Councillor Statements
Cllr Lynn Daniel (WDBC) had sent reports for December and January which had been circulated. She highlighted the Parish and Town Council consultation meeting on 17th January, and wondered if there was any interest in allotments in the area. Plans for the Parkway station are available and tenders are being considered for the development. There is still some of her locality budget left.
Cllr McInnes had also sent New Year greetings.
2023/24-117 Chairman’s Announcements
Cllr Ash reported that elderly people were finding it difficult to access the Wheelpit seat. Cllr Ash will look at cutting undergrowth so that there is a level path from the top. Action: Cllr Ash.
It was agreed to dispose of the old Jubilee plaque that has been replaced.
2023/24-118 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken. This was noted.
2023/24-119 Coronation Lantern
Cllr Pike had circulated a draft Design and Access Statement for the listed monument application. The Council thanked Cllr Pike for all his work on the application, and the comprehensive document. A final draft was agreed with removal of identification on the public’s comments. It was agreed to use the manufacturer’s recommended method of fixing to submit the application. Action: Cllr Pike.
Michael Reddaway had signed a letter giving permission.
The street lighting authority (Devon County Council) had not replied.
Cllr Cooper had discussed several options for fitting the lamp. He explained that any welding of the lamp to a fixing would probably weaken the lamp, which is designed to fit on a standard fitting. The lamp must be firmly fixed due to the weather in the village. He recommended that we contact the manufacturer to physically view the existing fixing, which may also need testing.
2023/24-120 D-Day-80
Cllr Weaver reported that the Village Hall Committee would want any D-Day celebrations to be a shared event between the Parish Council, the Village Hall and the Commoners, but had raised the idea of extending the Thursday café to celebrate and it is hoped that the Belstone Commoners’ Association will organise a beacon.
2023/24-121 Parking
The Neighbourhood Highways Officer reported that he could replace the sign in 2024/25, and requested details of the Council’s requirements.
It was agreed to keep the sign the same width, but taller and with bigger writing, with the addition of an arrow as suggested by the Highways Officer.
Action: Clerk to respond to the Highways Officer.
2023/24-122 Planning
A. Planning Applications
0547/23 New ensuite shower room at Perrymans Cottage, Belstone, Okehampton, EX20 1RA – It was agreed to submit a response of “Belstone parish Council has no objection to this planning application. It is internal to the property and they therefore have a neutral view on the issue.”
B. Outcomes of Planning Applications
There were no other planning applications or outcomes.
2023/24-123 Finance
A. Recent Transactions
The following transactions were noted:
• Payments – Clerk’s Wages £646.93, Citizens Advice £30
• Receipts – None.
• Total Balance (08/01/24) £4,474.23 (including £620 election reserve, £73.89 Car Park Reserve)
B. Payments
The following payments were agreed:
• Village Hall Rental – £45.
• Website – £50 – The Church are now sharing the website hosting with the Village Hall and Parish Council.
Proposer: Cllr Pike, Seconder: Cllr Weaver.
2023/24-124 2024/25 Precept and Budget
The budget had been amended at the previous meeting.
It was agreed to accept the budget and request a precept of £3,745 (an increase of 7%).
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Pike.
2023/24-125 Standing Orders Review
It was agreed to adopt the Standing Orders following the two minor changes suggested by the Clerk.
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Hill
2023/24-126 Okehampton Hospital Campaign
It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Councillors at Okehampton Town Council that are on the steering committee of the campaign, expressing their support for the re-opening of the wards. Action: Clerk
2023/24-127 Housing Survey Results
The Local Housing Survey had identified the need for one affordable home in the Parish. The Clerk reported that Sticklepath Parish Council were investigating setting up a Community Land Trust to enable the building of affordable homes in the locality.
It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Sticklepath Parish Council to express their wish to be involved in this initiative. Action: Clerk
2023/24-128 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda
Cllr Cooper raised two additional items for the meeting on 11th March – Car Park Repairs and Tongue End drainage. Other items due – Financial Regulations Review, Interests Register checking, Annual Parish Meeting Agenda.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
The date of the next meeting will be Monday March 11th 2023 at 7.30pm.