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Parish Council Meeting – July 2023

Belstone Parish Council Logo - for Parish Council Meeting


Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 24th July 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present:

Michael Ash (Chairman), Simon Hill (Vice-Chair), Jon Pike, Peter Cooper, Theresa Weaver, Andrew Booth
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk)

2023/24-057 Disclosures of Interests

There were no disclosures of interest.

2023/24-058 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Paul Boyce sent his apologies, which were accepted.

2023/24-059 Public Participation Session

There was no public participation.

2023/24-060 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 26th June 2023 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.

2023/24-061 Borough Councillor Statement

The report from Cllr Daniel (West Devon Borough Council) was noted.

2023/24-062 Chairman and Vice-Chair’s Announcements

The Chairman reported that the pot hole by the car park in Skaigh Lane had sunk again. Action: Clerk to report to Highways
The sign on the Pound has been repaired with thanks to Cllr Booth.

2023/24-063 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken. This was noted. Cllr Hill thanked the clerk for her work on the AGAR, and highlighted some of the other points. The meeting noted that Sticklepath will be supporting the application for vehicle charging at White House Services, the Council do not comment on neighbouring parish planning applications.

2023/24-064 Planning

A. Planning Applications

There were no planning applications to respond to.

B. Outcomes of Planning Applications

There were no outcomes of planning applications to note.

2023/24-065 Jubilee Plaque

The Clerk is awaiting delivery of the new plaque.

2023/24-066 Coronation Lamp

Cllr Hill had produced a proposed article for the website. It was agreed to go ahead with this. Action: Cllr Hill. Responses will go to an email address. Correspondence had also been received about considerations for bats.

2023/24-067 Parking

The Neighbourhood Highways Officer (NHO), Josh Scillitoe has confirmed that he will attend the meeting on 11th September. The Dartmoor Ranger, Rob Taylor, has declined to attend. The NHO had delivered six cones which are currently stored in the Village Hall shed, he has more if they are required. Cllr Cooper proposed that we should experiment with the cones at the corner of the green over the Bank Holiday weekend. Seconded by Cllr Hill, and this was agreed.

2023/24-068 Clerk’s Appraisal

The Clerk’s Appraisal took place on 10th July. Cllr Hill and Cllr Weaver had circulated a report with possible actions. It was agreed that proposals on a number of points would be brought to the next meeting.

2023/24-069 Clerk’s Holiday

The Clerk’s holiday was confirmed for 7th-20th August. It was agreed that Cllr Hill will take the emails during that time.

2023/24-070 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

The following transactions were noted:
• Income – Car Park Contributions – The Tors Inn £218, Belstone Commoners £174
• Expenditure – Clerk’s Wages & Stationary, SLCC Membership, Auditor’s Honorarium Total £607.71
• Total Balance (16/07/23) £3,825.79 (including £460 election reserve)

B. Internal Virements

It was agreed that the £160 budgeted to be moved to the election reserve, and the £75 budgeted to be moved to the Car Park reserve should be actioned.

2023/24-072 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda

It was agreed that parking in the village will be discussed in a separate public meeting before the Parish Council meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.32 pm.
The date of the next meeting will be Monday September 11th 2023 after the public meeting.