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Parish Council Planning Meeting – January 2024

Belstone Parish Council Logo - for Parish Council Meeting


Minutes for the extraordinary planning meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 29th January 2024 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present:

Michael Ash (Chairman), Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Andrew Booth, Deborah Hosegood

Not Present:

Peter Cooper

Also Present:

Sally Fullwood (Clerk)
1 Member of the public.     

2023/24-129 Disclosures of Interests

There were no disclosures of interest.

2023/24-130 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Simon Hill sent his apologies due to a Conflict of interest. These were accepted.
Cllr Lynn Daniel (WDBC) sent her apologies.
The planning applicants sent their apologies due to work commitments.

2023/24-131 Public Participation Session

There was no public participation.

2023/24-132 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th January 2024 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.

2023/24-133 Planning

Planning Application

0015/24 – Alterations and extension to garage building to create studio space in the roof at Taikoo, Belstone, Okehampton, EX20 1QZ

A member of the public who had worked on the planning application explained the changes which were due to be made, and the intention of the changes.
It was agreed to submit a response of “Belstone parish Council has no objection to this planning application” by majority vote.

2023/24-134 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda

No further items were raised for the next meeting. Items due – Car Park Repairs, Tongue End drainage, Financial Regulations Review, Interests Register checking, Annual Parish Meeting Agenda.

The meeting closed at 7.50 pm.

The date of the next meeting will be Monday March 11th 2023 at 7.30pm.