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Parish Council Meeting – June 2023

Belstone Parish Council Logo - for Parish Council Meeting


Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 26th June 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present:

Michael Ash (Chairman), Simon Hill (Vice-Chair), Paul Boyce, Jon Pike, Peter Cooper, Theresa Weaver, Andrew Booth
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk)

2023/24-037 Disclosures of Interests

There were no disclosures of interest.

2023/24-038 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

2023/24-039 Public Participation Session

There was no public participation.

2023/24-040 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th May 2023 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.

2023/24-041 Borough Councillor Statement

The report from Cllr Daniel (WDBC) was noted.

2023/24-042 Chairman and Vice-Chair’s Announcements

The Chairman noted that the overnight parking sign was up in the car park, and there have been some inspections.

2023/24-043 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken. This was noted.

2023/24-044 Planning

A. Planning Applications

There were no planning applications to respond to.

B. Outcomes of Planning Applications

The Conditional Granting of 0219/23 Variation of conditions 2 and 4 of approved planning ref: 0560/20 for a replacement garage with garden store and studio over. Burl, Belstone was noted.

2023/24-045 Coronation Lamp

Cllr Pike confirmed that the glass on the lamp is toughened, and it can be programmed to turn off in the early hours. Cllr Hill proposed that we put a website item to welcome feedback about the idea that we are investigating; he will investigate the best way to include an online survey of opinion. This was agreed. If the village is in favour then further feasibility investigations can take place. Action: Cllr Hill.

2023/24-046 Jubilee Plaque

The suppliers of the Jubilee Plaque had responded to the Council’s complaint by offering a new plaque with more lacquering, and said that the sign was only intended to last 80 years. It was agreed that we take up the offer of a lacquered sign. Action: Clerk.

2023/24-047 Skaigh Lane Narrow Signs

The Neighbourhood Highways Officer had recommended that signs were not put up at the obstruction, as they could cause more accidents. It was agreed that the Council should accept the NHO’s recommendation to do nothing. Action: Clerk to respond to NHO.

2023/24-048 Parking

Neither the Neighbourhood Highways Officer (NHO) nor the Dartmoor Park Ranger had responded to an invitation to a public meeting. It was agreed to allow a flexible meeting date in September and go ahead with the meeting. The NHO had offered yellow ‘No Parking’ cones. It was agreed that the cones should be accepted to be put on a 40M stretch in front of stocks. Action: Clerk to respond to NHO.

2023/24-049 Councillor Training

It was agreed that Cllr Hill will do an audit of the training that the Council requires. Action: Cllr Hill.
It was agreed that Cllr Hill will attend the Planning Training on 11th September. Action: Cllr Hill

2023/24-050 Clerk’s Appraisal

It was agreed that Cllr Hill (Vice-Chair) and Cllr Weaver should perform that Clerk’s Appraisal. Cllr Weaver will send out the paperwork and agree a date. Action: Cllr Weaver

2023/24-051 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

The following transactions were noted:
• Income
Belstone Village Hall Car Park Contribution £174
VAT Refund £137.33
• Expenditure – Insurance £145.80
• Total Balance now £4,041.50 (including £460 election reserve)

B. Payments to be Authorised

The following payments were authorised:
• Clerk’s Gross Wages (Apr-June) £510.06
• SLCC Membership (shared with Sticklepath) £56.00
• Paper for Clerk £14.40
• Postage for Clerk £2.25
• Email and Data Storage £103.68
Proposer: Cllr Cooper, Seconder: Cllr Hill

2023/24-052 Internal Auditor’s Report

The Internal Auditor’s report was accepted and noted. It was agreed that an honorarium of £25 should be paid to Mr Chris Walpole with thanks from the Council for his work. Proposed: Cllr Weaver, seconded: Cllr Boyce. It was agreed that Chris Walpole should be invited to be the auditor for 2023/24. Action: Clerk

2023/24-053 AGAR 2022-23

The Council reviewed the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2022-23.

A. The Certificate of Exemption was signed by the Chairman, Michael Ash and the Clerk, Sally Fullwood.

B. The Annual Governance Statement was agreed and signed by the Chairman, Michael Ash and the Clerk, Sally Fullwood.

C. The Accounting Statements were agreed and signed by the Chairman, Michael Ash and the Clerk, Sally Fullwood.

D. The Period for the Exercise of Public Rights was set from Wed 28th June to Tue 8th August 2023.

2023/24-054 Asset Register

The Asset Register as presented by the Clerk was reviewed, and signed by the Chairman.
There were no repairs needed. Cllr Booth is now doing the lettering for the Pound Sign.
The purchase values and dates of the assets, which should be recorded in the asset register will be researched by the Clerk. Action: Clerk

2023/24-055 Standards of Behaviour

Cllr Hill summarised some correspondence from the David Fairburn, Monitoring Officer at West Devon Borough Council regarding standards of behaviour for Parish Councillors. He asked the councillors to read the information regarding declaring interests at meetings, use of social media, access to information and acting as an employer. Action: Members.

2023/24-056 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda

There are no items for the next agenda.

The meeting closed at 8.40 pm.

The date of the next meeting will be Monday July 24th 2023 7.30 pm.