Budget 2024/25

2024/25 Revenue Budget 2024/25 Revenue Budget Code Description Actual 2020/21 Actual 2021/22 Actual 2022/23 2023/24 Budget 2023/24 Forecast Proposed 2024/25 Budget Comments Income (Gross)               A WDBC Precept £2,308.00 £2,525.00 £3,408.00 £3,500.00 £3,500.00 £3,745.00 Expenditure less income, shortfall is precept C VAT Refund £0.00 £27.00 £106.82 £140.00 £137.33 £112.51…

Mid-Year Budget Review 2023-24

Revenue Budget Income (gross)         31/10/2023           Adopted Budget Comments Nov ’22 Mid Year Difference Year End Estimated Difference Notes WDBC Precept £3,500.00   £3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00   Council Tax Support Grant £0.00   £0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   VAT Refund £140.00   £137.33 -2.67 137.33 -2.67…

West Devon October Report 2023

WDBC October 2023 Report WDBC have a live consultation regarding the Dog Control Orders that we currently have within the West Devon Borough Council area. Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) Consultation Dog Control We are consulting on reviewing our Dog Control Public Space Protection Orders.  PSPO’s is a tool available to Councils under the Anti-Social…

West Devon September Report

Sea Moor Lotto – Raising Funds for Local Good Causes Did you know that the Council operates a community lottery which raises funds for local good causes?Seamoor Lotto is raising around £27,000 a year for 115 good causes, with the added bonus that people playing the lotto can win cash prizes. In a typical month,…

Report on Parking Meeting

Report on the Belstone Parish Public Meeting held on 11th September 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm There were 32 members of the public present including 7 Belstone Parish Councillors and the Devon County Council Councillor for the area Cllr James McInnes. The meeting was chaired by Cllr Michael Ash, Chairman of Belstone…

Lamp Consultation – Summary

Here’s a quick summary of the emails received back about the lamp: We had 10 responses from people in the village – 8 very positive and 2 neutral/questioning. People were generally very keen on the idea of it being “green” and possibly replacing the existing lamp. We had already had one response previously with a question…

Clerk’s Report September 2023

Clerk’s Report September 2023

Parish Clerk Report for 11th September 2023 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Agenda Item There are two housing surveys that we have been sent: 1. The Devon Housing Commission (DHC) The DHC “consists of 11 authorities, including West Devon that are conducting an in-depth…

Parish Council Meeting – July 2023

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 24th July 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm Councillors Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Simon Hill (Vice-Chair), Jon Pike, Peter Cooper, Theresa Weaver, Andrew BoothAlso Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk) 2023/24-057 Disclosures of Interests There were no disclosures of interest. 2023/24-058 Apologies for…

Clerk’s Appraisal Report 2023

Report to Parish Councillors on Clerk’s annual appraisal 2023 It was agreed that Cllr Weaver should attend the appraisal with Cllr Hill (the main appraiser and current Vice Chair) for continuity. The appraisal was held in person between Simon Hill (VC)/Theresa Weaver (appraisers) and Sally Fullwood (Clerk) on 10th July 2023. The completed form is…

Clerk’s Report July 2023

Clerk’s Report July 2023

Parish Clerk Report for 24th July 2023 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Police Liaison Meeting Through Sticklepath Parish Council I was invited to an online police liaison meeting. I was not sure what it was all about, but decided to attend. I was really…

West Devon July Report

West Devon July Report

PC Report from WDBC councillor Lynn Daniel July 2023 WDBC Senior Staff Award WDBC and South Hams Council had the privilege of receiving the Municipal Journal  award for best Senior Leadership Team in local government. It is a huge achievement for our two councils to receive a national award of this kind and was only…

Parish Council Meeting – June 2023

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 26th June 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm Councillors Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Simon Hill (Vice-Chair), Paul Boyce, Jon Pike, Peter Cooper, Theresa Weaver, Andrew BoothAlso Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk) 2023/24-037 Disclosures of Interests There were no disclosures of interest. 2023/24-038…

Belstone Parish Council Transactions 2022-23

Belstone Parish Council Transactions 2022-23 Expenditure Date Item Amount 12/04/2022 Ink Cartridges and paper (Paid to Sally Fullwood) £27.32 12/04/2022 DALC Subscription £56.36 03/05/2022 ICO Data Protection Fee £35.00 17/05/2022 Williams & Triggs (Second payment Jubilee Engraving) £316.80 17/05/2022 Community First Trading (Insurance) £145.80 17/05/2022 Sally Fullwood (stationery) £11.37 28/06/2022 P S Cooper (Stakes for…

Bank Reconciliation 2022-23

Bank Reconciliation 2022-23 Name of smaller authority: Belstone Parish Council County area (local councils and parish meetings only): Devon County Council Financial year ending 31 March 2023 Prepared by (Name and Role): Sally Fullwood, Clerk Date: 11/06/2023  £  £ Balance per bank statements as at 31/3/23: Lloyds Current Account 3,276.63   £3,277 Petty cash float…

Explanation of Variances 2022-23

Explanation of Variances Name of smaller authority: Belstone Parish Council County area (local councils and parish meetings only): Devon County Council Next, please provide full explanations, including numerical values, for the following that will be flagged in the green boxes where relevant:• variances of more than 15% between totals for individual boxes (except variances of…

Notice of Public Rights 2023

Smaller authority name: BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION OF ANNUAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN (EXEMPT AUTHORITY) ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2023 Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 25, 26 and 27The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234) NOTICE 1. Date of announcement 27 June 2023 (a)…

Accounting Statements 2022/23

Accounting Statements 2022/23 for BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL   Year Ending   Notes and guidance   31 March 2022 £ 31 March 2023 £ Please round all figures to nearest £1. Do not leave any boxes blank and report £0 or Nil balances. All figures must agree to underlying financial records 1. Balances brought forward 2,999…

Certificate of Exemption 2022-23

Certificate of Exemption 2022-23 – Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23 Form 2 To be completed by smaller authorities where the higher of gross income or gross expenditure did not exceed £25,000 in the year of account ended 31 March 2023, and that wish to certify themselves as exempt from a limited assurance review under…

Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 We acknowledge as the members of Belstone Parish Council our responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control, including arrangements for the preparation of the Accounting Statements. We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, with respect to the Accounting Statements for the year ended…

Council Summary Accounts 2022-23

Belstone Parish Council Summary Receipts and Payments Account 2022-23   Balances as at 31/3/2022 £2719.14 (Current Account: £1,076.25 and Business Reserve Account £1,642.89)                 Bank Balances brought forward at 1st April  £2,719.14 RECEIPTS     Petty cash £0.00 Precept £3,408.00   Add Total Receipts – £3,935.69 Agency Services…

Internal Auditor’s Report 2023

Internal Auditor’s Report 2023 During the financial year ended 31 March 2023, this authority’s internal auditor acting independently and on the basis of an assessment of risk, carried out a selective assessment of compliance with the relevant procedures and controls in operation and obtained appropriate evidence from the authority. The internal audit for 2022/23 has…

West Devon June Report

West Devon June Report

WDBC –  PC Report  June 2023 ·       Thank you I thank all those who supported me in the May elections. I am very pleased to be able to continue as your borough councillor for the next 4 years. I am happy to inform you that I have been chosen as Mayor of West Devon for…

Clerk’s Report June 2023

Clerk’s Report June 2023

Parish Clerk Report for 26th June 2023 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Training Agenda Items 2023/24-045 Coronation Lamp I have contacted the insurance company regarding the implications of having a lamp, and their response was ” If you did require cover at a later…

Annual Parish Meeting 2023

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for Belstone Annual Parish Meeting held on 15th May 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Sally Fullwood (Clerk)Sixteen members of the public, including the speakers. 01. Apologies for Absence Theresa Weaver (Belstone Parish Councillor), Rob Taylor (Dartmoor National Park Authority Warden) 02. Minutes of the…

Greener Belstone Report 2023

Greener Belstone Report 2023

Greener Belstone Report 2023 2022/2023 has been a quiet period for Greener Belstone with many of the initiatives we had planned being put on hold. We have every intention of revitalizing these ideas.One activity that took place was a talk organised jointly with our local Green councillor, Lynn Daniel, on energy issues that face our…

Belstone Village Hall 2023

Belstone Village Hall Chairman’s Report 3rd May 2023 Ladies and Gentlemen, our Village Hall may not be the biggest but it is the best! You have only to glance at a week’s bookings to get a flavour of the range of activities on offer – classes for yoga, Pilates and art, postal services on a…

Skaigh Wood Trust 2022-23

Skaigh Wood Trust Chairman’s Annual Report 2022-2023 The Trust held eight meetings during the year. The major item requiring attention this year was the felling of a number of trees suffering with Ash Die Back on the cross path from the bridge to the top bridlepath. This work was carried out by Adam Whittington at…

West Devon 2022-23 Report

West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) Annual Report 2023 Hello and thank you for attending this annual village meeting. I firstly want to say a big thank you to all who supported me in the recent council election. I am proud and grateful to have another 4 years to be your representative on the borough council…