Parish Council Accounts Summary 2023

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Belstone Parish Council Accounts Summary 2022-23 Total expenditure 2022-23 £3,378.20 Expenditure Amount Percentage of total expenditure Comments Cost of Clerk £2,348.24 70% Jubilee Project £380.69 11% Half cost of engraving (rest previous year) and stakes for tree Admin and overheads Costs £443.47 9% Subscriptions, fees, audit, training,  hall rental, stationery, repairs etc…

Clerk’s Report May 2023

Parish Clerk Report for 15th May 2023 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Agenda Items 2023/24-034 Dartmoor National Park Authority Ballot Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) have written to ask for nominations for the parish Members on the Dartmoor National Park Authority. All previous…

Parish Council Meeting – April 2023

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 17th April 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm Councillors Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Theresa Weaver (Vice-Chair), Susan Norrish, Simon Hill, Paul Boyce and Jon PikeAlso Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk), Cllr Lynn Daniel (West Devon Borough Council)Not Present: Peter Cooper 2023/24-001 Disclosures…

Clerk’s Report April 2023

Parish Clerk Report for 17th April 2023 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Housing Survey Cllr Daniel sent an email regarding a Housing Needs Survey which is being planned for July in the area. This would take the form of a questionnaire distributed to all…

West Devon March Report

Parish Council’s Monthly newsletter from WDBC Councillor March 2023 Garden Waste Subscriptions Subscriptions for this year’s garden waste service are due to be open by the end of 1st week of March. For residents who are already subscribed, it should be a seamless transition. The service will start for subscribers from 1 April 2023 and run…

West Devon February Report

West Devon Borough Council Parish Councils report February 2023 Levelling Up Fund Grant No-doubt you will have heard the fantastic news that West Devon has been awarded £13.4m for a new parkway station and integrated transport hub at Okehampton through the government’s Levelling Up Funding programme. This was a competitive process, and it is an…

Budget 2023/24

2023/24 Revenue Budget Code Description Actual 2020/21 Actual 2021/22 2022/23 Budget 2022/23 Forecast Proposed 2023/24 Budget Comments Income (Gross)              A WDBC Precept £2,308.00 £2,525.00 £3,408.00 £3,408.00 £3,500.00 Expenditure less income, shortfall is precept. 2.7% Increase C VAT Refund £0.00 £27.00 £0.00 £106.82 £140.00   D Election Funds from reserves…

Clerk’s Report January 2023

Parish Clerk Report for 17th January 2023 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Training Agenda Items 2022/23-148 Planning 2022/23-149 Muddy Lane Response from new Dartmoor Ranger Rob Taylor regarding sign at Skaigh end of bridlepath: That’s fine, I can get one installed. We are moving…

West Devon January Report

West Devon January Report

West Devon Brough Council PC Report January 2023  Household Support Fund Helps Provide Christmas Cheer The Benefits team have been working hard to make payments from the Household Support Fund to eligible households. Since the scheme opened before Christmas it has made payments totalling £7,920 to 25 households helping them with food, energy costs and…

West Devon December Report

West Devon December Report

WDBC Parish Council Report December 2022 AUDITOR GIVES COUNCIL FINANCES A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH West Devon Borough Council will be one of the first few councils in Devon to have its Annual Accounts and Audit signed off.  On Tuesday 22 November, West Devon Borough Council’s Audit and Governance Committee met to approve the Council’s…

Clerk’s Report November 2022

Parish Clerk Report for 29th November 2022 Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Training Agenda Items 2022/23-130 Muddy Lane After correspondence with Ian Brooker regarding the vehicular traffic on bridleways, he has erected a ‘No unauthorised vehicles beyond this point” sign at the Tongue End…

West Devon November Report

West Devon November Report

Parish Councils November Report 2022 WDBC Electoral Registration Canvassing It is that time of year again when we will be sending out canvassers to all properties within the council area who are required but have not yet returned a Canvass Form with regard to Electoral Registration. This is an annual process. The canvassers will be…

Homeworking Policy

Homeworking Policy

Homeworking Policy – Belstone Parish Council Policy The Council recognises the advantages of home-based working although it doesn’t suit everyone, and some job roles may not be appropriate to undertake at home. This policy describes the working arrangements and expectations that will apply if you work from home. Scope of this policy It applies to…

Clerk’s Report October 2022

Parish Clerk’s Report for October 18th 2022 BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Completed Actions Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting. Answered a question about the Westlake seat from Chris Walpole. Forwarded late planning application and highways consultation. I attended some free training about the timetable and actions required for…

Cllr Daniel Sept 2022

Cllr Daniel Sept 2022

West Devon Borough Council Monthly PC Report July 2022 Rural Policing Survey Devon and Cornwall Police, in association with the University of Plymouth and the University of Winchester are conducting a survey of farmers and landowners to examine their experience of crime and policing. The work, which is funded by the Seale Hayne Educational Trust,…

Mid Year Budget 2022/23

2022/23 Revenue Budget         30/06/2022 13/09/2022         Code   Adopted Budget Carried Forward 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Difference Estimated Sept ’22 Diff. Notes Sept ’22 A WDBC Precept £3,408.00 £1,704.00 £1,704.00 -1,704.00 3,408.00 0.00 Due 30/9 B Council Tax Support Grant £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C VAT…

Parish Council Meeting – July 2022

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 12th July 2022 in the Meeting Room, Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm Councillors Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Simon Hill, Paul BoyceAlso Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk) 2022/23-63 Disclosures of Interests Cllr Hill, Cllr Cooper…

Clerk’s Report 12th July 2022

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk Report for 12th July 2022 Correspondence I have written to NatWest asking them to stop sending things to Robin and Kate. Certificate of Exemption sent to External Auditor. Planning Consultation extension requests sent Phone call from tourist regarding car parked in car park. One person has been deleted from the…

Complaints Policy

Belstone Parish Council Complaints Policy The following is the Belstone Parish Council’s procedure for dealing with complaints about the Council’s administration or its procedures, a complaint against the Clerk or a complaint against a Parish Councillor. Complaints about a policy decision made by the Council will be referred back to the Council for consideration. The…

Cllr Daniel July 2022

West Devon Borough Council Monthly PC Report July 2022 Ukrainian Refugees WDBC are continuing to step up plans for supporting the 371 Ukrainians that are looking to come (or have already arrived) in South Hams and West Devon. We’ve been: Continuing initial property checks for new additions to the scheme Carrying out welcome visits for…

Parish Council Meeting – June 2022

Parish Council Meeting – June 2022

BELSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 14th June 2022 in the Meeting Room, Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm Councillors Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Simon HillAlso Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk) 2022/23-44 Disclosures of Interests There were none. 2022/23-45 Apologies for…

Bank Reconciliation 2021-22

Bank reconciliation Name of smaller authority: Belstone Parish Council County area (local councils and parish meetings only): Devon County Council Financial year ending 31 March 2022 Prepared by (Name and Role): Sally Fullwood, Responsible Financial Officer Date: 17/06/2022  £  £ Balance per bank statements as at 31/3/22: Reserve Account 1,642.89 Current Account 1,076.25   2,719.14…

Explanation of Variances 2021-22

Explanation of Variances Name of smaller authority: Belstone Parish Council County area (local councils and parish meetings only): Devon County Council Next, please provide full explanations, including numerical values, for the following that will be flagged in the green boxes where relevant:• variances of more than 15% between totals for individual boxes (except variances of…