Contacting the Parish Council

Parishioners who wish to raise matters are always welcome to contact the Belstone Parish Council Clerk, Sally Fullwood:

01837 849131

5 Tor Down, Belstone, EX20 1QU

Council Members

Councillors’ entries on the Register of Interests for West Devon Borough Parish and Town Councils can be accessed on the West Devon Borough Council website:

Parish Council Meetings

Members of the public may attend meetings of Belstone Parish Council, which take place approximately every two months, on a Monday – unless an extraordinary meeting or a special planning meeting is called. Meetings are normally held in Belstone Village Hall, unless otherwise indicated.

Dates and Latest Document

Dates for 2024
Monday July 8th Parish Council Meeting
Monday Sept 9th  Parish Council Meeting
Monday Nov 11th Parish Council Meeting


Minutes of meetings and the Parish Council accounts can be found beneath the Policies and News sections below, or by using one of the following quick links:

Latest Parish Council News

Parish Council Records

Links to records of the minutes of meetings and published accounts can be found in this section. All records of Minutes from April 2018 onwards, and accounts from 2021 onwards are available as accessible web pages on this site. Accounts Records before 2021, and Minutes from before April 2018 are available to read or download as PDF documents.


Archived minutes are available on request from the Parish Council Clerk:


Archived accounts are available on request from the Parish Council Clerk: